Section: New Results

Automating the Generation of Test Suites for Antescofo

Participants : Florent Jacquemard, Clément Poncelet.

Clément Poncelet has started to develop during his Master thesis [35] a framework for black box conformance testing of Antescofo. This work is pursued in a PhD supported by DGA and Inria. The most important task in this context is the generation of relevant test data for the system, given an augmented score in Antescofo language. This data includes input, containing musical events (notes, chords etc) together with their timings. In a sense, the input data simulates a musical execution of the score. The input data must then be passed to Antescofo for black-box execution, in order to observe the system's reactions and compare them the expected output. For the latter comparison task, we need to be able to define the expected output, hence to have a formal model of the expected behavior of the system on the given score. For this purpose, we are using models of the system made of timed automata, which are computed automatically from given music scores. Then, we use tools from the UPPAAL suite [40] in order to generate testing data, based on relevant covering criteria and a formal model of the environment (i.e. the musician). This work has been presented at the poster session of MSR 2013 (national colloquium on modeling reactive systems) and a journal paper is in preparation.